A Dia de Los Muertos altar was made at ISANA Nascent Academy- 42nd campus by Ms. Martin. Classes were invited to visit the altar throughout the day to listen to a presentation from Ms. Martin about the meaning of the altar and the items that were presented. Families were asked to bring a picture to commemorate their loved ones who have passed. The items you see at the altar were donated and shared by staff and families.

La Sra. Martin hizo un altar del Día de los Muertos en ISANA Nascent Academy, campus 42. Se invitó a las clases a visitar el altar durante el día para escuchar una presentación de la Sra. Martin sobre el significado del altar y los elementos que se presentaron. Se pidió a las familias que trajeran una fotografía para conmemorar a sus seres queridos fallecidos. Los artículos que ve en el altar fueron donados y compartidos por el personal y las familias.

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